
Usage Rights

Personal/Private Use Only – No Distribution/ No Derivative Works/ No Commercial Works
All Dungeon Arts products (map objects, tiles,etc..) are the property/copyright of  Greg Taylor and Dungeon Arts. All rights are reserved.

All previously released content is the property/copyright of  Greg Taylor and Dungeon Arts or the respective owners.  All rights are reserved.

Dungeon Arts map objects and tiles and previously released content may be used for personal/private use only, they may not be redistributed in either original or derivative form, or used for any commercial purposes without permission.

*Roll20 Users: Dungeon Arts purchases do not constitute ownership of, and are not transferable to use the equivalent Roll20 marketplace packs. In other words, they may only be used via the user upload of Roll20 (requiring the use of your user storage quota), and are not readily available via the Roll20 marketplace as the Roll20 packs are, and likewise Roll20 purchases are not transferable to receive Dungeon Arts exclusive offers and updates.

Last Updated:  July 22 , 2014